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We list here tools for implementing ethical actions in a pandemic.

In contrast to resources, which are usually references, tools provide a practical means to build skills or assist in an action.

  • Net-Map Toolbox, Eva Schiffer – Influence mapping of social networks can be used to determine relevant stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder Analysis Toolkit, Manchester Metropolitan University – Toolkit outlines a four-step process to conducting detailed stakeholder analysis: 1) identify stakeholders, 2) create a stakeholder map, 3) identify stakeholder allegiance, and 4) create a stakeholder management strategy.
  • Board Member Asset Map, Chicago Foundation for Women – Maps connections outside the organization and contributions and interests within the organization.
  • VA Staff Discussion Forums on Ethics Issues in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: A Guide, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) – A template for holding ethics discussions among internal stakeholders for decision making that is open, transparent, and inclusive.
  • Net-Map Toolbox, Eva Schiffer – Influence mapping of social networks can be used to determine relevant stakeholders. 
  • COVID-19 GIS Hub, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) – a compilation of maps, datasets, apps, and other tools to understand, prepare, and respond to COVID-19.
  • So You Want to Start an Ethics Committee, National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) – Step-by-step guide for creating an ethics committee, including sample documentation from health departments that have established ethics committees.
  • Establishing an Ethics Committee, National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) – Resources for local health departments seeking to establish ethics committees.