Public health is constantly straddling the importance of individual rights and the good of the community.
In a pandemic, the choices often become more urgent and more difficult. A few key documents summarize the consensus on ethical public health actions in a pandemic. This dashboard helps you find what these documents recommend. They are:
- The American Public Health Association, Public health code of ethics (2019)
- The World Health Organization, Guidance for Managing Ethical Issues in Infectious Disease Outbreaks (2016)
- The World Health Organization, Ethical considerations in developing a public health response to pandemic influenza (2007)
- The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethical guidelines in pandemic influenza (2007)
- Indiana University Center for Bioethics, Ethics Guide for health practitioners working under conditions of an influenza pandemic (2009)
- The University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, Stand on Guard for Thee: Ethical considerations in preparedness planning for pandemic influenza (2005)